Skin aging cannot be stopped, but we can control it. The good news is that you can rejuvenate your skin by embracing a healthier diet. It’s normal for skin to change as you age, but why? Here are some factors.
Oxidative Stress
An imbalance in the production of free radicals and the body’s ability to counteract them with antioxidants causes oxidative stress.
The skin is the barrier between our bodies and the outside world. The skin also regulates body temperature, controls water loss, produces vitamin D, and protects us from infection. When there is oxidative stress on the skin, it causes damage that can lead to aging.
Oxidative stress is involved in skin aging. This is the process that occurs when free radicals damage cells. Free radicals are natural products of lifestyle factors such as human metabolism, sun exposure, highly processed diet, alcohol consumption, and smoking. Hydrafacial treatment UK can help improve your skin’s condition.
Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury, infection, or irritation. It is a protective mechanism that aids in the healing process.
These factors might cause increased inflammation: stress, diet, lack of sleep and exercise, smoking or drinking alcohol excessively, and certain medications like steroids.
But it can have adverse effects on the skin when it becomes chronic. A diet high in processed foods can increase inflammation throughout the body.
People with chronic inflammation need to take steps to reduce their risk of developing skin damage. They should avoid excessive sun exposure, which can lead to premature aging and skin cancer, wear sunscreen daily and moisturize often.
Some medications used in treating chronic conditions such as asthma also have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body that may help reduce the risk of skin damage.
Dry skin occurs when the cells lack water. This makes the skin cells smaller and creates a barrier on the skin’s surface. Dryness is different from dehydration. It results from insufficient water in the outer layer of the skin, while dehydration happens when there is too much water loss through sweat and urination.
Dry skin can cause itching, redness, cracking, and flaking. It can also cause acne if it’s on your face or back.
The most common causes of dry skin are aging and weather conditions such as cold winter air or hot summer days where you’re sweating more than usual.
Lifestyle changes that benefit your skin
Being healthy is the key to healthy skin. Maintaining a good diet and taking care of your skin from the inside out are essential.
Do the following changes you can make to your lifestyle that will benefit your skin:
- Drink lots of water, stay hydrated, and drink green tea for its antioxidant properties.
- Get enough sleep, not just for the sake of looking rested but also because it helps with hormonal balance.
- Exercise regularly, mainly cardio activities like running or cycling, are great for circulation and fighting inflammation.